I am a sucker for anything skincare, Korean skincare, organic skincare, even super chemically skincare. I love it!! I mean I even asked for a lush catalog just so I could read what was in each product and study the ingredients. I really love skincare. And I really love this new cleanser!!

Troiareuke Acsen Oil Cut Cleanser
Click to Buy! – StyleKorean
For the past 6 months or so I was using Lush Dark Angles as my sole cleanser, and don’t get me wrong I loved that cleanser and it definitely helped my skin, but as my skin has gotta a lot better I was finding that the Lush Dark Angles Cleanser was a little to rough for my skin now, so I decided to switch. And it was the best decision of my life. I knew Troiareuke was a great company that made great products(in fact one thing I want to do in Korea is get a Troiareuke peel^^) Anyway, I was sure that this cleanser was going to be good, but it turned out that this cleanser is so magically amazing!!

This picture shows just a couple of the benefits of this cleanser, but I am going to tell you what I think. The cleanser comes out as a clear, thick liquid and you really don’t need a lot, maybe just a dime or nickel size drop. When you put this on your skin it feels almost like a mixture of lotion and a serum. I usually rub it on my skin for about 20-30 seconds and then wipe it off with a warm washcloth. The cleanser doesn’t feel like it does anything when you put it out and when you first take it off. But a maybe 20 minutes later you can feel your skin feeling refreshed(also if you touch your skin after this 20 minutes your face will be smoother then you ever thought!) After the first day that I used this my skin was softer then ever before as well as brighter and the texture of my skin had improved a lot. I have been using this cleanser for about a week and a half now and I have see such improvement in my skin all together. Don’t be afraid at the fact that it says “oil” in the title, because the cleanser itself is not a oil cleanser and when you put it on your skin it feels more like a lotion then an oil. Overall the Troiareuke Acsen Oil Cut Cleanser is by far one of the best cleansers I have ever used and I highly recommend it to all of you!! Trust me your skin will thank you later<3
For more information on the cleanser and a bunch of other Korean skincare that I love, check out this video by Edward Avila and Joan Kim!! They are amazing^^
credit: joankim – YouTube
大好き사랑해 love^^
