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  • Writer's pictureHeidi Ehlert



2017 is almost over and I wanted to take a minute and write a thank you post to everyone for this year. I started this blog back in April of 2017, and I am still so shocked and grateful for all the people that have supported me and this blog from April until now. Honestly when I started this blog I didn’t think anyone would read any of my post ever, so I am so shocked that people actually find my post entertaining and fun! I can’t thank you guys enough, because I love doing this and I love that I can share my thoughts with some many people from all of the world!^^

2018 is going to be a great year. For me, for you, for Kpop, for Kdrama’s, and for everything else. I am so excited to continue to make post and continue my blog in 2018 and hopefully I can improve a lot! I know my blog is not the most popular blog in the world, but I love the work I write and I love all of you guys that read and support me!

Thank you SO much for everything and 2018 will be a great year! Look forward to more post about all things Korean Entertainment and Beauty!<3



大好き사랑해 love^^



Post: Blog2_Post
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