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  • Writer's pictureHeidi Ehlert

Got7 Wall!!

I don’t know about you guys, but I know one of my favorite things is kpop photo cards, especially if those photo cards are GOT7!!!

I probably went a little over bored on the amount that I got, because well, there are 56 of them lol yeah I know crazy. I wanted to talk and share about all of the photo cards that I got and how I decorated my room with them!

So, I ordered 56 photo cards of Got7 and I thought to myself, wow what am I going to do with all these. They are all so beautiful and I really didn’t want to just put them in a binder and leave it, even though that is still a cute idea^^

This is the package! So Cute^^


After I took about 2 hours looking at every single photo and of course showing them to my mom, who really doesn’t give a shit about Got7, I had to chose some of my favorites!! There are so many cute group photos in this package so it was really hard to pick favorites.

Jinyoung is my favorite, so I freaked out about this picture(bottom left) for probably 20 solid minutes!

Now the hardest part for me was figuring out a way to put all of these photos on my wall without it looking like a hot mess. I had to have my best friend scout come and help me, because there was no way I would be able to do it on my own. I knew that I needed more than just small photocards, so I decided to print out some medium sized pictures of Got7 and tape them to a couple more pieces of paper so they would become more stable. I decided on about 7 medium sized photos to put on my wall and around on big Got7 poster. After this scout told me I should just randomly put all the photo cards around the pictures! I really do love how it turned out and hopefully these pictures of my wall give some people inspiration for their Kpop walls, because I know that I had no idea what to do!!


大好き! 사랑해! love! ^^



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