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  • Writer's pictureHeidi Ehlert

Happy New Year 2019🥂


The year is coming to an end and I wanted to make a quick post about my year and how thankful I am for everything that happened this year! 2018 was a very very busy year for me, but I have had a great year and have improved greatly.

The year started off a little rough for me but as the winter came to an end and spring started I started to find my way again! Getting 2 new jobs this year, both that I enjoyed greatly and starting at the school that I will get my ideal degree at has been such a blessing.💜

Throughout the summer I was able to get a great distance internship with a Korean American company! This was a dream internship for me and my blog helped me achieve this goal! After summer I started at my new school, learning new things about media and the digital entertainment company!

The fall and winter of 2018 has been an easy ride for me! I found my dream part-time job at a clothing company and was able to get all my personal relationships in order! I had an amazing holiday this year, with family and friends I have felt very blessed and grateful these past two weeks.

Overall I can’t thank all of you enough! My blog is my baby, I absolutely love to write on here and I am so grateful that you take time out of your busy life to read my post! I have had a great year on this blog, making so many new posts, gaining more readers, connecting with people around the world, and really finding my voice and look for my blog! I hope that 2019 is just as amazing for this blog as 2018 was!

I am very excited for 2019 and I can’t wait to see all the good and bad things this year has in store for me! A new year is a new start in your life and trust me if you had a bad year then you can make your 2019 a great one! I feel very blessed for everything I experienced in 2018 and I am looking forward to all the new things that will come with this new year!✨

Happy New Year everyone!🥂


새해 복 많이 받으세요!🎉

大好き사랑해 love^^



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