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  • Writer's pictureHeidi Ehlert

Produce X 101 – My Top 11


Produce X 101 began airing a couple weeks back and if you are anything like me then you have been totally invested in this new season! Personally, I loved produce 48, the mix of two cultures and honestly girls are just cuter! But I decided to give Produce X 101 a shot since I enjoyed Produce 48 so much. This season has not disappointed me at all and I am enjoying every minute of it!💜

The first ranking ceremony aired this past Friday, May 31st and I have very mixed feelings about it. I think that the views of the Korean fan base are very different from international fans. Korean fans tend to choose trainees that are cute, visual, and fun, whereas international fans search for talent, progress, and manliness.

Although the top 10 in this first ranking ceremony wasn’t my ideal choices I am still excited to watch the rest of the season! I decided to make my own list of my top 11 trainees that I would pick to debut according to the first couple of weeks. These are only my personal choices and are subject to change as the season progresses.

Trainee Number 11🔷

Kim Kook Heon

Kim Kook Heon showed off some amazing skills during the Group X Battle and showed compassion toward his fellow trainee Yu Vin. Personally, I believe he is professional and eager to grow!

Trainee Number 10🔷

Kim Kwan Woo


Now I know that sadly Kwan Woo was eliminated during the 5th episode but in my dream world he makes the debut team! I loved him so much and believe he has so much potential. His dancing, rapping, and charming personality would have made a great addition to the team!

Trainee Number 9🔷

Song Hyeong Jun

I really prefer the manlier trainees to the cute and young ones but Hyeong Jun has a special thing about him that makes him both innocent and mature at the same time. He has amazing leading skills and has grown so much in just a couple of weeks. He is not full of himself and knows that he wants to improve!

Trainee Number 8🔷

Baek Jin

Baek Jin has gained a lot of popularity over the past couple of days and I think he deserves it! He has a great vibe, looks, and skills. He is an amazing dancer but personally, I want to hear his singing and rapping skills!

Trainee Number 7🔷

Han Seung Woo


Seung Woo has shown so much potential over the past couple of weeks. He has been doing a great job leading all the other trainees and giving them amazing advice! I think he will continue to grow and I think that his cute charms with his manly look make him perfect for the debut team!

Trainee Number 6🔷

Ham Won Jin


Won Jin has shown amazing charm and skills over the past couple weeks! I think he really stood out during the Group X Battle performance and he has made such an impact. His looks and voice have made him a great member of the debut team!

Trainee Number 5🔷

Kim Woo Seok


Woo Seok has some of the most amazing looks in the whole show! I think he is cute but also sexy at the same time! I think he has been growing his skills over the past couple of episodes and honestly he will be ready to debut by the time of the final!

Trainee Number 4🔷

Song Yu Vin


I think Yu Vin really deserves to debut with this team! He has amazing teamwork, he has the visuals, and he has amazing skills! He really showed his love for performing during the Lullaby performance mistake!  I think he will continue to grow even more!

Trainee Number 3🔷

Kim Yo Han


Yo Han has been in the first place almost the whole season and he deserves it! He has shown his great personality, skills, and attitude during the season! I think a lot of fans were shocked to see him rap but I believe it fits him! I want to see him improve and grow throughout the show!

Trainee Number 2🔷

Lee Jin Hyuk


Jin Hyuk has caught my eye from his first appearance! I think he is so beautiful and really knows how to show off his looks! He has shown amazing leadership attitude toward the other trainees and overall has shown his passion to perform!

Trainee Number 1🔷

Kim Hyun Bin


Kim Hyun Bin is by far my favorite trainee this season! From the moment he walked in I loved him because he looked similar to Chanyeol from EXO! After watching him grow and show his passion and energy I think he deserves to be the center of the debut team! Also not to mention how sexy he looked and sounded during the Group X Battle performance!

Here a clip of it for your Hyun Bin enjoyment!

Please let me know what you guys are thinking about Produce X 101 season and who your top 11 trainees are! I think everyone on the show deserves to move forward to their debut!


大好き사랑해 love^^



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