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  • Writer's pictureHeidi Ehlert

Top 4 Powerful Female Korean Drama Leads


Female Korean drama leads have become progressively more bold, strong, and independent over the past couple of years. All of these characters have paved new roads and long set standards for women in Korean entertainment and society. I love to see a powerful female lead in a drama who isn’t being rescued by the man every episode. All of these women on the list are much more than a character, they are a representation of the change in Korean society and norms.

Of course, there are many more strong Korean female leads in Korean entertainment, but these are four of my favorite Korean drama female leads!🤜

Yoo Hye Jung – Doctors


Yoo Hye Jung is the female lead in the 2016 drama, “Doctors”. Yoo Hye Jung was a rebel teenager who hated following the rules and always caused trouble because she felt that life was unfair to her. Eventually, throughout the drama, we see Yoo Hye Jung grow up to become a successful doctor and meet some familiar faces along the way.

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One of the best things about Yoo Hye Jung is her strength. She does not need any man or woman to stick up for her. If she is in a tight situation she will be 100 percent okay on her own. This is something that makes her so influential, she doesn’t back down from anybody and she is always able to fend for herself. Trust me nobody is messing with Yoo Hye Jung anytime soon.

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Another quality that makes Yoo Hye Jung powerful is her heart. She had a rough childhood, but she is able to move away from that darkness and have a whole heart for the people around her in life now. She isn’t afraid of trust and giving her love to someone. Nowadays women tend to be scared of getting hurt, but I think it just means you are strong is you can give your heart and love someone without being scared of hurting yourself just like Yoo Hye Jung.

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Overall Yoo Hye Jung is one of my favorite female leads. She is such a strong, independent, and smart character. She used her rough childhood has a motivator to get herself a job as a doctor and doesn’t let anyone stand in her way. She sticks up for herself and the people around her but has a heart of gold when she needs to.

People often say that forgiveness is not for the one who committed the wrong; it is for

the victim to let go themselves. I think one shouldn’t dish out this advice easily, because it

is so much easier said than done.

—  Yoo Hye Jung, Doctors

Choi Ae Ra – Fight For My Way


Choi Ae Ra is a young adult struggling to find her way in the 2017 drama Fight For My Way. Choi Ae Ra is the average young adult in today’s society, trying to understand where she belongs is life and what path she is supposed to take. Along the way she finds love, confidence, and security.

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Choi Ae Ra is someone who does not take crap from anyone. In the beginning of the drama she is very eager for security and love, but she soon realizes that she can’t get that from another person and finds out she needs to get it from herself. She gains so much self-confidence in this drama which she an amazing things for young and older women to see in their favorite characters.

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Although Choi Ae Ra tries to stay confident and happy throughout the drama there are times where she is unsuccessful. The whole drama she is trying to find the perfect job for herself but keeps failing. She has rough days, like the rest of us but eventually, she picks herself back up and gains the confidence to move forward. Finding your path in life is very hard for young adults and Choi Ae Ra allows us to connect with her and this hardship.

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Your twenties is a very confusing time in everyone’s life. Choi Ae Ra is no exception to this rule. She shows women that it is okay to be confused in life and just keep pushing forward. Throughout this drama, Choi Ae Ra gains so much confidence in her life and understands that things don’t have an easy path but you have to fight your way through anyway.

Forget that Cinderella brat who sold a lie to girls. The barefoot general Zhang Fei of the Three Kingdoms who commanded thousands is much sexier. – Choi Ae Ra

Nam Hong Joo – While You Were Sleeping


Nam Hong Joo is a beautiful girl who struggles with mental health every day in the 2017 drama While You Were Sleeping. Most people would not think of Nam Hong Joo as a super strong female lead, but in fact, she is but just in a different way. She is a loyal daughter, a hard worker, and overcomes all the things in life that scare her.


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Nam Hong Joo is the perfect family character. She is an older woman, but she is still living at home because of her mother. She loves her mother more than anyone in the world and will do anything to protect her, she even works so hard at her mother’s restaurant to help her out. This is such an inspiring quality in a Nam Hong Joo and it teaches so many girls about the importance of family and love.


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Nam Hong Joo has a special gift. She is able to see the future in her dreams, sometimes she sees very bad things in her dreams. This has haunted Nam Hong Joo for such a long time, but she tries harder and harder every day to control these dreams and help the people that she can. The fact that she has this huge burden on her back but still goes out of her way to save people proves what a great and passionate person she is.


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Overall Nam Hong Joo is such a passionate person who loves the people around her. She works so hard in her career and gives her all to the people she cares about. Being passionate about your life and the people around you is such a great quality that every girl could use!

I … believe you. Because it’s me, I can believe you. – Nam Hong Joo

Kang Yeon Doo – Cheer up!


Kang Yeon Doo is a spunky teenage girl going to a high school full of rich and wealthy students in the 2015 drama Cheer Up! She is a very average girl who has to go to school with people completely different than her. However, she does have a group of friends that share her passion of dance. Throughout the drama we see Kang Yeon Doo grow into a happy, caring, and independent young girl.


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Kang Yeon Doo is a very loyal and dramatic teenage friend. She is always sticking up for the people around her, even the ones that might not deserve the defense. However, Kang Yeon Doo believes there is good in everyone but most importantly she believes in happiest. Her outlook on life and her tough personality is an amazing quality.


Kang Yeon Doo faces a lot of bullying and setbacks in this drama, but she doesn’t let that ruin her mood and overall outlook on life. No matter how bad things get Kang Yeon Doo is always trying to find the joy and happiest in life to move forward. Another thing Kang Yeon Doo does as a teenager is question everything that adults tell her. She believes that life should be lived a different way from what her teachers say to her.


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Although Kang Yeon Doo faces so many problems in her life she does not lost her spunky and fun personality. She is always trying to stay positive, but most importantly she is helping the people around her stay positive. She cares so much about the people around her even if those people have done something bad. Kang Yeon Doo is such a positive girl that helps anyone when she can. This are qualities that we tend to forget about in life as we get older and schedules get busier, but positivity and caring for others is very important.

I’m scared too, but I know this shouldn’t be happening. So how can I just look the other way? – Kang Yeon Doo

大好き 사랑해 love^^



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